SafeSpace Youth Action Board

For Youth, By Youth

SafeSpace Youth Action Board empowers young people to engage with their local communities by promoting mental health awareness, reducing the stigma of getting help, and developing solutions to improve the lives of all young people. These youth driven activities prevents isolation and fosters human connections.

Although they've graduated from high school now, our past members still remain a part of the SafeSapce family.

Meet Our Alumni


Alexa D.

Alexa D.

Aragon High School, alum

I joined SafeSpace because I know first hand how hard it is to deal with mental health struggles such as depression and anxiety. Because of this, I wanted to find a way to help my peers with their struggles. I wanted others to know that they are never alone and always loved. At SafeSpace, I can help my community feel accepted and understood.

Fun Fact: I love to bake! Over quarantine I have had the opportunity to grow my love for baking, especially learning all the ins and outs of sourdough bread baking. I’ve found it to be a really affective way to de-stress and enjoy the moment.


Anouschka B.

Anouschka B.

Nueva School, alum

I joined SYAB to share my mental health journey and encourage others to likewise find a voice to share their own stories.

Fun Fact: In my free time, I love diving into all things creative—painting, reading, and writing especially!

Favorite Quote: Being positive isn't pretending that everything is good — it's seeing the good in everything."


Anthony M.

Anthony M.

Foothill High School, alum

Mental health, emotional wellbeing, and self-care are vital elements that need more resources and attention. Joining SYAB gives me the opportunity to make an impact in this space by empowering young adults, colleagues, and peers. I want to educate and encourage others, helping to create more comfortable spaces and support networks for those around me.

Fun Fact: I became an Eagle Scout in December 2019; my project involved designing and building a touch table at a local community nature center.

Favorite Quote: "There is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for." -J.R.R. Tolkien


Brodie G.

Brodie G.

Castilleja School, alum

Favorite Quote: “It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!” - Rocky Balboa, Rocky


Chloe L.

Chloe L.

Menlo-Atherton High School, alum

I joined the SafeSpace Youth Action Board because raising awareness about youth mental health is very important. SafeSpace is unique in that it empowers students to develop projects that offer direct support to our peers. My personal experiences have shown me how valuable having the support of others is and I hope to make this support easily accessible to all youth.

Fun Fact: In my free time, I love to dive, read, and spend time with family and pets!


Claire C.

Claire C.

Castilleja School, alum

I joined SafeSpace to help support other teens with mental health issues and to let them know I understand. They are not alone!


Elle M.

Elle M.

Woodside High School, alum

I joined SYAB because I saw an opportunity to be active in my community and make a difference in people's lives, and hopefully contribute to the destigmatization of mental health.

Fun fact: I have 5 cats!


Gigi P.

Gigi P.

Woodside High School, alum

I joined the SYAB because life should be worth living for everyone. I want to live in a world where mental health is discussed and destigmatized, and where treatment is accessible regardless of socioeconomic class.

Fun fact: I love black licorice, blue cheese, ghost pepper, and many other controversial foods.


Kai D.

Kai D.

Menlo-Atherton High School, alum

This year is my fourth year involved with SafeSpace. I joined because we need to start the conversation about mental health in our communities. Mental illness has affected my life and the lives of so many people I care about; it’s time to eradicate the stigma and make help more accessible.


Leo K.

Leo K.

Menlo-Atherton High School Alumni, Web Designer, Photographer

I joined SYAB my junior year of high school, looking for a community of people that shared my similar passion for mental health. SafeSpace is beyond what I could have ever imagined I’d be a part of! I continue to work with SafeSpace into my college career, because they are such a family to me. Now, I have the privilege of combining my own creative and technical skills to help expand our voice to an even greater community.

Visit for more.


Manisha K.

Manisha K.

Woodside Priory School, alum

Mental health has always been a big part of my life and has shaped me into the person I am today. From a young age, my parents, as doctors, have taught me techniques to deal with mental health. Yet, as advanced as the Bay Area is, many teens don't have the same awareness about mental health as the select few and I do, simply because schools and parents don't prioritize eliminating the stigma around the subject by normalizing mental health issues and informing young people. Ultimately, I joined SYAB to help spread positive awareness about mental wellness.

I love learning about biology and medicine. I spend my free time working in the lab, taking portrait photography, and watching Wes Anderson movies.

Favorite quote: "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony,” - Mahatma Gandhi.


Medha M.

Medha M.

Gunn High School, alum

I joined SYAB because along with myself I see people all around me struggling with mental health: peers, friends and family. I want to help people have access to/feel comfortable getting the resources they need, remove stigma surrounding mental health, and learn better how to help others who struggle with mental health.


Michael S.

Michael S.

Summit Tahoma High School, alum

Favorite quote: "Spread love where ever you go" -Mother Teresa.


Mira D.

Mira D.

Menlo School, alum

I joined SYAB because I have struggled with my own mental health, and I wanted to learn how to help myself and others going through similar things. I think that reducing stigma is the first step to solving any problem, so I really aligned with SafeSpace's mission statement.

Fun fact: I love ketchup; I used to eat ketchup with watermelon

Favorite quote: "You got into Harvard Law?" "What? Like it's hard?" - Elle Woods from the movie, Legally Blonde.


Mira D.

Mira D.

The Nueva School, alum

I joined Safe Space to educate myself about mental health and become a better mental health advocate. I think Safe Space's ideas of encouraging others to speak up, supporting one another, and seeking resources are very important and I am excited to be a part of a warm community!

Fun fact: In my free time, I love going to the beach with my dog, trying new restaurants, and wakesurfing.


Novak C.

Novak C.

Crystal Springs Uplands School, alum

I joined Safespace because I was really struggling with my own mental health and wanted to know I wasn't alone. By being a part of Safespace, I learned to empower myself and be proud of my journey, and I gained a community of motivated kids with their own unique experiences, coming together to make real progress in teen mental health awareness!


Reese G.

Reese G.

Menlo School, alum

I joined Safespace because I want to help destigmatize conversations surrounding mental health.

Fun fact: I have two sisters who are also involved in SafeSpace!


Reza N.

Reza N.

Menlo-Atherton High School, alum

I joined SafeSpace during a dark time in my life, and at the time, I didn't know that there was help out there. Every day felt like it was getting harder, and I continued to suffer by myself. It took a lot of time and hard work to get to where I am today, and yeah, it was really tough but it was so worth it. Now, I share my story to help spread awareness about mental health. I share my story to help kids like myself reach out for help. I share my story to remind myself that I will have bad days too, but I'm strong enough to overcome them. Everyone has a story to tell. What's yours?


Riley C.

Riley C.

Castilleja, alum

I joined Safespace because I understand the stigma that can often exist around mental illness. Safespace enables me to work with other individuals who are passionate about opening the conversation about mental health.

Fun fact: I absolutely love spending time with kids, I attribute it to the fact that I consider myself to have a mental maturity level of about 7 years old.

Favorite quote: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -Eleanor Roosevelt


Riley G.

Riley G.

Menlo-Atherton High School, alum

I joined SafeSpace to become more involved with this great community and advocate for improvements surrounding mental health and stigma.

Fun fact: I share a birthday with my sister who was born three years after me!

Favorite quote:"The way I see it, if you want a rainbow you have to put up with the rain." -Dolly Parton.


Samer B.

Samer B.

Hillsdale High School, alum

I joined SYAB because I wanted to break the stigma around mental health at my school and in the larger community. I struggled with my own mental health and I overcame it. I also have a passion for helping other people, and I am able to do that through SafeSpace.

Fun Fact: I love Starbucks and I am a proud Palestinian!

Favorite quote: "Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you doesn't mean you can, should, or need to do it alone." -Lisa Olivera


Samina K.

Samina K.

Castilleja School, alum

Fun Fact: I am an east coaster at heart! I grew up in New York City and Boston and hope to go back there someday... I just love the seasons!

Sarah P

Sarah P.

Sarah P.

Lydian Academy, alum

Mental health is important to me because I have personally dealt with mental health issues in the past. I have seen how mental health can impact not only my life but the lives of those around me.


Sophia H.

Sophia H.

Hillsdale High School, alum

I joined SYAB because I wanted to be apart of a community with shared values, goals, and experiences.

Favorite quote: "I want to live in a world where people become famous because of their work for peace and justice and care. I want the famous to be inspiring; their lives an example of what every human being has it in them to do act from love!"


Will M.

Will M.

Menlo School, alum

I joined Safespace in order to help generally destigmatize mental health as well as help other guys that may be struggling.

Fun Fact: In my free time, I enjoy playing sports and spending time with my dog.